If the UK had lost to Germany but America still went to enter World War 2, would aircraft carriers have been used far more in the European Theater?

Saw this.

And US Navy is not very important on the European Theater as the British Islands are a very good giant aircraft carrier... So these allied ressources are not very important in Europe...
I know that the whole reason why aircraft carriers didn't become a thing in the Europe during World War 2 was precisely because how close countries were. Germany can just build air bases and camps across various countries and transfer planes there or refuel them in a prolonged air campaign from there. Russia could easily do the same. And the UK was close enough to Germany that sending air bombers en mass wasn't an issue and any flight force they send could easily return back to bases in England in a day after bombing Berlin and other spots. They could even reach as far as the around Greece with careful planning and fuel estimates and sit either in nearby neutral or allied countries or land temporarily in uninhabited sports and refuel using stocks on the plane. If not even return back home directly after an operation (albeit very risky and difficulty).

Its very telling that almost all significant British navy victories using aircraft carrier doctrine was in the Pacific........ And the fact almost no American aircraft carrier was stationed in Europe.

So in a supposed scenario where UK gets conquered or surrenders and prevents America from using airbases........ If America still gets into war anyway with Germany or assuming its past 1942 they still continue fighting on alone.... Would that mean aircraft carrier would essentially play a most important role in the European Theater? That rather than countattacks against submarines and the famed nonstop barrages against military fortresses from naval cannons that the US Navy is so associated with in Europe, aircraft carrier would take up the imaginations of people as what they picture when they think of American naval action in the European theater?

In turn with a much safer position and assuming everything else goes as in real life regarding Soviet Union at least at the point of the victory at Stalingrad and mass retreat of German forces and destruction of the very large force in USSR sent in 1942, but POD afterwards...... Whether Russia advances at the quick pace as OTL or ends up getting bogged down with much slower progress since Germany is now free from the UK front, would the Kriegsmarine focus on developing large numbers of aircraft to counteract American naval action before they could come close to hitting bases in Europe with the cliche American naval bombardment? So much more known ship to ship battles between America and Germany but with carriers in combined action with destroyers, submarines, and other existing ships? On top of finally carrying out the wishes that some German admirals wanted of advancing the navy into aircraft carriers, would a lot of canceled naval plans for planes specializing for fighting over waters such as the experimental Blohm & Voss BV 222 end up not only being OK'D into production and German factories churning out planes specifically for the Kriegsmarine?

Does the war last longer and gets bloodier on the naval front alone (and disregarding the army and luftwaffe operations)? How does the Luftwaffe gets utliized when America sends a crap ton of aircraft carrier in their European flees with more reinforcements coming over pretty soon?
Hmm, I seem to recall Taranto, Norway and Malta being in Europe. Also, while Torch wasn't aimed at Europe, it was right next door and led to Sicily, which definitely is in Europe.

There is also the question of why USA would attack Europe if it hadn't supported Britain initially. Even without US support, it's a big deal to suggest that Britain would ever agree terms (however temporary) with nazi Germany and a successful invasion and full defeat requires even bigger changes - to the point where it's usually (and quite reasonably) viewed as needing ASB levels of intervention.

Even overlooking the number and importance of changes needed to create this scenario, Germany subdung the UK before Barbarossa provides Stalin with time to reequip his armies. The weakened Wehrmacht (less casualties and occupation troops for the UK and with limited time to reorganise and reequip) will be scarcely better off than OTL [1] and facing vast numbers of T34s in 1942, 43 or 44 and will more than likely get a good arse kicking for its pains.

[1] more Panzer 1s and 2s will have been destroyed (along with many mediums), but that just leaves them short of tanks. Even though the replacements will indeed be better tanks, the shortfall in overall numbers will hurt.
Which victories are you referring to?
I guess first ship sunk by divebombers (Konigsberg), winging Bismarck, Vittorio Veneto and Pola, the surprise attack on Taranto, fighting convoys through like Pedestal etc. etc. don't count?

...meanwhile in the Pacific, that'll buff out:
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I guess first ship sunk by divebombers (Konigsberg), winging Bismarck, Vittorio Veneto and Pola, the surprise attack on Taranto, fighting convoys through like Pedestal etc. etc. don't count?
Neither of those are in the Pacific.