Alternate History: Explain the historical event

Next : The Eleventh World War
My name is of no consequence. With ink rinning out I will record the final of our species conflicts in hopes of future generstions avoiding the same mistakes.
Following the Third World War in 1968 and subsequent conflicts, often of a thermonuclear nature, mankind retreated largely underground as the few remaining factories focused on weapons of war, nutrisoy/algae, and oxygen. With continued conflict our oxygen generators and even our magnetic record-keeping rings no longer work. Some have decided to remain underground in the great cavern-cities built over the last seventy years while others have decided to risk it all on the irradiated surface. Who knows what the future holds...

The Barney the Dinosaur and Saw Crossover
The Barney the Dinosaur and Saw Crossover

An animated short Clip series on Newsground by user AwZome_Productions84 that lasted from 2005-2007 and gained a certain popularity within the Newsground community.

The National Syndicalist Rebellion
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The National Syndicalist Rebellion was an unsuccesful attempt from the National Syndicalist Movement to overthrow Antônio de Oliveira Salazar in May 1934. 50 National Syndicalist militants attacked Salazar's oficial residence but were quickly defeated and Francisco Rolão Preto imprisoned.

Second Mexican Revolution
The assasination of Ruhollah Khomeini was carried out by the MEK on 17 October 1979, and resulted in Abdolhassan Banisadr succeeding him as Supreme Leader.

Execution of Joseph Stalin
In 1945 Stalin ordered his armed forces to invade the West, which dropped a nuclear bomb on Moscow and another on Kiev, forcing the USSR to surrender. Stalin escaped the explosion in a bunker but was later captured and put on trial with Molotov, Beria and the Nazis in Nuremberg, being hanged in 1947.

The Equestrian-Israeli War
In 1945 Stalin ordered his armed forces to invade the West, which dropped a nuclear bomb on Moscow and another on Kiev, forcing the USSR to surrender. Stalin escaped the explosion in a bunker but was later captured and put on trial with Molotov, Beria and the Nazis in Nuremberg, being hanged in 1947.

The Equestrian-Israeli War
After the Roman conquest of Egypt was finalized, Octavian - now Augustus - sought to unify all levels of Roman society under his new system - that of the Princeps. While the masses could be sated by bread and circuses, the Elites - of both the city of Rome, and in the provinces - proved a tougher nut to crack. Augustus had his loyalists, particularly those higher-born Patricians, but he found support among the Novae-homo, the new self-made men of the Equites class, quite lacking. Here brewed a political class that had, since the days of Sulla, held a grudge towards those they saw as the gatekeepers of Roman aristocracy; while their latent adoration for Octavian's adoptive father held firm for now, he knew that Rome's middle class would not stay restive forever in the face of his aristocratic tendencies.

And so, Augustus sought to give them an avenue into which they may channel their hunger for power and glory, without the risky business of climbing the ladder of aristocracy. The new Judicate of Israel, stretching across a fertile mountain range in the western part of Arabia[1] and centered around the city of Yathrib, had come to amass a great wealth through their strategic location on the Indian spice route, and their own domestic manufacturing of Frankincense and other desirable products. The Kritocracy, ruled by a high judge like the biblical confederacy of yore, reminded the Romans of Carthage to an uncomfortable degree. Augustus had neither the men nor the resources to undertake another long war right after the devastating war against Marc Anthony, but in the restlessness of the Roman Equites he saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

Gathering a few willing collaborators, Augustus drew up the first of the 'popular wars' - wars declared by a portion of the Roman population at the assent, but not the command, of the Princeps; funded, manned and led not by the state, but by entrepreneurs and adventurers. The idea was inspired by Crassus' miserable expedition into Parthia, but this time it would be even further detached from the Roman state itself - no legions were formally sent, and no formal declaration of war was ever issued. This gave Augustus plausible deniability as several thousands equites, accompanied by their Plebian clients and mercenaries from all over the Mediterranean, marched southbound from Syria.

At a glance, the campaign seemed easy enough - the Israeli army was not famed for competence or stunning victories, and was then busy waging war in the Judicate's southern border [2]. On the other hand, the Equestrian army - doubly named for its Equite leadership and its massive cavalry - was large, experienced from the 40 years of war that had been waged all across the Mediterranean, and its leaders were highly motivated. Augustus assumed it would be a quick campaign of conquest, not too dissimilar to the humiliation Pompey the great imposed on the Jewish Hasmonean kingdom not too far ago.

This would prove to be one of Augustus' scant few - yet terrible - mistakes, in what would otherwise be a spotless career. Beneath a veneer of professionalism and experience, the army cobbled together by the Equites lacked the strong legionary core that had made the Roman army so feared. Mercenaries from Iberia, Africa and Greece outnumbered the Roman Infantry almost ten-to-one, leading to an unorganized, disjointed mess.
But even worse than the situation on the battlefield was the situation in the command tent. The so-called 'generals' of the conflict were not, in fact, generals, but those with the largest amounts of spare gold to hire mercenaries. Just like old Crassus, they were driven by greed and self-interest; but unlike Crassus, each had to contend with about 10 other people just like him. Arguments abounded, and several times during the campaign the massive army split due to petty ego conflicts.

Meanwhile, the Israeli troops quietly finished their southern campaign, and went to exploit the Equites' follies. The desert had taken its toll on troops used to Mediterranean combat, and soon the various sub-armies found themselves picked off one by one in ambushes, nighttime raids and finally even in pitched battle. The powerful cavalry of the equites quickly became subpar infantry, as supplies quickly ran out and horses began to be seen as better food than battlefield companion. After a year of bitter defeats and pyhrric victories, the last of the Equestrian armies surrendered in the hills outside of Yathrib.

High Judge Ishaq ibn Abadya of Israel, in a decision that would come to define history, did not apply a uniform punishment to the surrendering army. While the leading equites were either executed or ransomed back to their family at great cost, the Plebians and merceneries were given a much more merciful choice - to leave in peace to their home, or to submit to the one true god and stay as handsomely-paid soldiers of the kingdom. The vast majority chose to stay, and their tactics and technology - the best the Mediterranean had to offer - diffused into Israeli society in the coming years, transforming it into the legendary military power it would become in the centuries that followed. When the armies of Yahweh spilled into Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, 400 years later, the beleaguered defenders silently cursed the day Augustus let his merry band of Equestrians march off into the desert.

[1] - the Hejaz
[2] - the Asir mountains

The last siege of Damascus.
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After the Roman conquest of Egypt was finalized, Octavian - now Augustus - sought to unify all levels of Roman society under his new system - that of the Princeps. While the masses could be sated by bread and circuses, the Elites - of both the city of Rome, and in the provinces - proved a tougher nut to crack. Augustus had his loyalists, particularly those higher-born Patricians, but he found support among the Novae-homo, the new self-made men of the Equites class, quite lacking. Here brewed a political class that had, since the days of Sulla, held a grudge towards those they saw as the gatekeepers of Roman aristocracy; while their latent adoration for Octavian's adoptive father held firm for now, he knew that Rome's middle class would not stay restive forever in the face of his aristocratic tendencies.

And so, Augustus sought to give them an avenue into which they may channel their hunger for power and glory, without the risky business of climbing the ladder of aristocracy. The new Judicate of Israel, stretching across a fertile mountain range in the western part of Arabia[1] and centered around the city of Yathrib, had come to amass a great wealth through their strategic location on the Indian spice route, and their own domestic manufacturing of Frankincense and other desirable products. The Kritocracy, ruled by a high judge like the biblical confederacy of yore, reminded the Romans of Carthage to an uncomfortable degree. Augustus had neither the men nor the resources to undertake another long war right after the devastating war against Marc Anthony, but in the restlessness of the Roman Equites he saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

Gathering a few willing collaborators, Augustus drew up the first of the 'popular wars' - wars declared by a portion of the Roman population at the assent, but not the command, of the Princeps; funded, manned and led not by the state, but by entrepreneurs and adventurers. The idea was inspired by Crassus' miserable expedition into Parthia, but this time it would be even further detached from the Roman state itself - no legions were formally sent, and no formal declaration of war was ever issued. This gave Augustus plausible deniability as several thousands equites, accompanied by their Plebian clients and mercenaries from all over the Mediterranean, marched southbound from Syria.

At a glance, the campaign seemed easy enough - the Israeli army was not famed for competence or stunning victories, and was then busy waging war in the Judicate's southern border [2]. On the other hand, the Equestrian army - doubly named for its Equite leadership and its massive cavalry - was large, experienced from the 40 years of war that had been waged all across the Mediterranean, and its leaders were highly motivated. Augustus assumed it would be a quick campaign of conquest, not too dissimilar to the humiliation Pompey the great imposed on the Jewish Hasmonean kingdom not too far ago.

This would prove to be one of Augustus' scant few - yet terrible - mistakes, in what would otherwise be a spotless career. Beneath a veneer of professionalism and experience, the army cobbled together by the Equites lacked the strong legionary core that had made the Roman army so feared. Mercenaries from Iberia, Africa and Greece outnumbered the Roman Infantry almost ten-to-one, leading to an unorganized, disjointed mess.
But even worse than the situation on the battlefield was the situation in the command tent. The so-called 'generals' of the conflict were not, in fact, generals, but those with the largest amounts of spare gold to hire mercenaries. Just like old Crassus, they were driven by greed and self-interest; but unlike Crassus, each had to contend with about 10 other people just like him. Arguments abounded, and several times during the campaign the massive army split due to petty ego conflicts.

Meanwhile, the Israeli troops quietly finished their southern campaign, and went to exploit the Equites' follies. The desert had taken its toll on troops used to Mediterranean combat, and soon the various sub-armies found themselves picked off one by one in ambushes, nighttime raids and finally even in pitched battle. The powerful cavalry of the equites quickly became subpar infantry, as supplies quickly ran out and horses began to be seen as better food than battlefield companion. After a year of bitter defeats and pyhrric victories, the last of the Equestrian armies surrendered in the hills outside of Yathrib.

High Judge Ishaq ibn Abadya of Israel, in a decision that would come to define history, did not apply a uniform punishment to the surrendering army. While the leading equites were either executed or ransomed back to their family at great cost, the Plebians and merceneries were given a much more merciful choice - to leave in peace to their home, or to submit to the one true god and stay as handsomely-paid soldiers of the kingdom. The vast majority chose to stay, and their tactics and technology - the best the Mediterranean had to offer - diffused into Israeli society in the coming years, transforming it into the legendary military power it would become in the centuries that followed. When the armies of Yahweh spilled into Mesopotamia, Syria and Egypt, 400 years later, the beleaguered defenders silently cursed the day Augustus let his merry band of Equestrians march off into the desert.

[1] - the Hejaz
[2] - the Asir mountains

The last siege of Damascus.
The last siege of Damascus

In 2003 George W. Bush accused Bashar Al-Assad to directly support Al Q. and proposed an ultimatum for him to step down and proclaim free elections. After an initial refusal on the 19th of March 2003 an operation to remove the Baathist dictorship was launched. After 2 weeks American troops reached the outskirts of heavely defended Damascus. The several week long siege began with aereal campaigns, ground a offensive and severe house to house fighting.

The Neo-Confederate insurgency 1897-1901
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The last siege of Damascus

In 2003 George W. Bush accused Bashar Al-Assad to directly support Al Q. and proposed an ultimatum for him to step down and proclaim free elections. After an initial refusal on the 19th of March 2003 an operation to remove the Baathist dictorship was launched. After 2 weeks American troops reached the outskirts of heavely defended Damascus. The several week long siege began with aereal campaigns, ground a offensive and severe house to house fighting.

The Neo-Confederate insurgency 1897-1901
The McKinley administration cracked down on the Red Shirts following the Wilmington coup, while trying to strictly enforce the Reconstruction Amendments. This caused white supremacist Southern Democrats, led by Benjamin Tillman, Ellison Smith and James Vardaman, to launch an insurgency meant to restore the Confederacy. McKinley avoids going to war with Spain and sweeps the Mountain West in 1900; the insurgency is defeated the following year and McKinley finishes his term.
Kuwait War (1961)
Kuwait War (1961)
In 1961 the Iraqi Quassim goverment which previous proposed an annexation of Kuwait did an surprise attack on Kuwait. Main goal had been the conquest of the Kuwait oil Production. Previously the Arab Deterrent Force of different Arab countries already had been moved into Iraq to protect the oil Industry from a possible takeover by Iraq. The war had been heavy and intensive as the Iraquis attacked by surprise but the Arab Deterrent Force from different Arab countries stood their ground. Eventually Great Britain and France both send ground forces and launched an aereal campaign after consolidation with the Arab states. While the USSR vaguely supported Quassim regime the US together with OPEC supportet Kuwait and the Arab Deterrent Force. After three weeks the Iraqis had been forced to draw back. Unfortunatly for them Saudi troops followed them into their own territory while Britain and France gave them air support. Eventually Quasim had to sign a ceasefire as he feared an armed coup by his own officiers. Eventually the UN called for a peaceful solution for the Kuwait crisis and urged all actors to stop any further escalation. Eventually dictator Quassim had been couped for his failure and met his fate.

The West German Autocracy and the Notstandsgesetze (emergency laws) (1966-1993)
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The West German Autocracy and the Notstandsgesetze (emergency laws) (1966-1993)
The collapse of the United States in the 1960s was a surprise to many, not least of which was the Americans themselves. Dozens of problems boiled to the surface following the dual assassinations of JFK and LBJ within months of each other. Under the controversially hands-off Presidency of Barry Goldwater, these problems came to a head and America became embroiled in a dozen low level conflicts within its own borders that caused a de facto withdrawal of America from global affairs.

As the Soviets seemed to be on the ascendancy with revolutions in South Vietnam and a civil war breaking out in Italy, Western Europe was struck by a Red Scare all its own. De Gaulle tightened his grip on power in France, becoming very close with Francisco Franco of Spain (some accusing him of taking inspiration from the so-called Last Fascist in Europe).

West Germany, however, was especially terrified. Long believed to be the battleground where World War 3 would be fought, West Germany took steps to prevent any chance of revolt. Thus, the Notstandsgesetze. On paper West Germany was still a democracy, but in truth it became an essential autocracy under Kurt Georg Kiesinger and the Emergency Government. Granted extraordinary powers (for quote-unquote extraordinary times), Kiesinger ruled West Germany for the next 15 years, and his successor carried on his policies in spite of the flowering of Eastern Europe's "Communist Democracy" movements.

One of the most controversial elements was the secret development of West Germany's nuclear arsenal, which was forever officially denied.

In 1993, the West German government was on its last legs. The Second French Revolution had toppled the Degaullists in France, and the government was under continual pressure to call an end to the national emergency and allow for a constitutional convention. Finally, the government gave in, and the Notstandsgesetze was finally suspended on November 9th, 1993.

Unification (along with Austria) under the German Democratic Republic followed in 1997.

The Wailing Days
The Wailing Days

The direct English translation of the Syriac term Ywma d Qla, the genocide against Levantine and Mesopotamian Christians perpetrated by the Black Sheep Turkomen from 1695 to 1703. It would trigger a mass migration of Chaldeans, Syriacs, and Arameans into Southern Anatolia & Cilicia, where they would eventually constitute a slight majority of the population.

The First Indian Civil War
The First Indian Civil War
Following the chaotic defeat at the hands of the People's Republic of China and Pakistan, the isolated India would begin it's long path to decline. The first phase was the First Indian Civil War which would devolve into the Indian Anarchy, sending the subcontinent into complete statelessness where tiny plots of land were ruled by locals.

The Scramble for Europe


Gone Fishin'
The Scramble for Europe
A "Great Game" of diplomatic intrigue between the Russian Empire, Imperial Germany, and Great Britain for the influence of newly indendent states in Europe following the collapse of the Entente, consisting of the French Third Republic, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Ottoman Empire, after the Great War. Though spheres of influence were drawn up during the Treaty of Bonn (1919), the Scramble for Europe would turn into open war when Russia invaded Romania in 1944, triggering a war with its ally Great Britain.

The Prussian Nuclear Program
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The Prussian Nuclear Program
Originally this quartet got started playing clubs in Hamburg and later Liverpool, the original drummer was replaced by Jaki Liebeziet, an enthusiastic German (Saxon) of the new post-war generation. Liebeziet, who found the original name of the band which translated as Die Kafer very insulting, suggested a change - his influence proved crucial in keeping the band together when the singer married a divisive spouse that threatened to break up the grouo on at least four separate occasions. They nearly broke up in 1981 anyway when a crazed gunman shot them both, only blind luck and bad aim allowed both to live (it is theorized that had either of them been alone and Chapman had time to aim even a little bit the victim would have died). Although the new band name was somewhat off-putting for conservative parents, the band produced several multi-platinum albums from the early 60s well into the late 80s with most of their hits still among the most popular songs of all time. Touring stopped only in 2005 with the uncharacteristically named Arthritis and Enlarged Prostate Tour, but the name hinted heavily at what was to come. Although Liebezeit died in 2017, Lennon, McCarthy, and Starr are still alive and are known to play drop-in concerts with hours or even no advanced notice at local clubs in New York City and a few other cities including Las Vegas and London from time to time, much to the delight of fans of all ages.

Colonel Harlan Sanders of the United States Army - Hero of Omaha Beach, Savior of Bastogne
Colonel Harlan Sanders of the United States Army - Hero of Omaha Beach, Savior of Bastogne
Harlan Sanders was born in 1890 in Indiana. In his youth he took various jobs to support his family. After volunteering in the US Army and stationed a Cuba Harlan Sanders decided to stay in the US-Army and pursue a miltary career. In WW1 he already served in the rank of a quartermaster and was known for his extraordinary talent to improof the organisation of replenishment for his soldiers. He implemented a system of field kitchens constantly replenish his soldiers with nutriates. Sander's organisation became very effective and he did rise in ranks. By WW2 Sanders, now a colonel in reserve, had a viral role in supplying Allied armies with vitals supplies. He revolutionized the supply system, President Roosevelt may have promoted him to General if he didn't die early on. Legend has it that Sanders supply system motivated the Allied troops landing in Omaha because they had been very excellently nutrified. During the siege of Bastogne Sander's developed an excellent supply system that allowed civillians and allied soldiers alike to withstand the German offensive. Thus he was named Savior of Bastogne. After WW2 Sander's retired at the age of 55 although he kept consulting Douglas McArthur during the Korean War. In his later years Sanders thaught at Westpoint and later opened a civilian restaurant and gas station trying to develope it into a chain. He died in 1980 and was buried in Arlington.
The Holy Roman War on Rhōmaiōn
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The Holy Roman War on Rhōmaiōn
The Rhōmaiōn was the common name for Greek Insurgents in HRE-Occupied Greece, who claimed to be the rightful claimants to the Byzantine (and thus Roman) Empire. Following the Great Crusade, the lands of the former ottoman empire were carved up between various European Kingdoms. The HRE is generaly considered to have gotten the short end of the stick, only gaining Hellada (Greece) and Albania despite having helped a lot durring the conflict.

The War against Rhōmaiōn took place over several decades, eventualy ending when the Prussian Revolution caused chaos in the HRE and led to them withdrawing their troops from the occupation zone to help with the homefront. After the dissolusion of the HRE and the establishment of the German State, its new leadership decried foreign interventions and officialy allowed for the southern Balkans to become independent.

This was not the end for the locals' troubles, as soon the New Byzantine Empire fell into infighting between various government factions, Albanian Independence Rebels, Muslim Partizans, Bandit gangs, Democratic Groups and Turkenic Invasion Forces. Eventualy a Holy League intervention managed to prop up an Independent Greek Kingdom, but it lost Albania (which became independent) and much of its Eastern Lands, with most of them joining Turkenia and Constantinopole falling under a Holy League Mandate.

Next : The 1993 American Federation Coup
The 1993 American Federation Coup
1993 was a year that saw many changes,But none were as Influential as the Coup in the American Federation, The Coup took place in Washington D.C , The Coup was carried by the Imperial Reformation Order , A Terror organisation embedded within the Old Canadian and Mexican territories.

The Coup ousted the then President of the American Federation, Clark Wallace, of the Republican-Democratic alliance,this event directly led to rebellion of the Patriots.
The American Federation would never recover from this event, Collapsing in 1995, The World would never be the same again, As Civil war raged across the Western hemisphere..

Decimation of New York City by the Order of the Lances
Decimation of New York City by the Order of the Lances
Name given to the destruction of New York City by the villain Order of the Spears at the end of the third book of the Heirs of America Saga: Fires of the Hudson, the event saw many popular characters killed during the battles of the book and the fall of the city would be considered one of the most poignant endings to a 20th century book and would cement its reputation as an everyone can die book.

Sassanian conquest of Punjab
Name given to the destruction of New York City by the villain Order of the Spears at the end of the third book of the Heirs of America Saga: Fires of the Hudson, the event saw many popular characters killed during the battles of the book and the fall of the city would be considered one of the most poignant endings to a 20th century book and would cement its reputation as an everyone can die book.
Aw man i wanna read that book now