Maximum possible soviet influence in Africa

mending fences with Apartheid South Africa is a surefire way to sink any and all influence in the rest of Africa.

IIRC, Cuba was very enthusiastic about spreading the revolution in Africa, but was actively dissuaded from further involvements by the Soviets. The Soviets don't need to provide troops, just funding, and Afro-Cubans will do most of the proxy fighting.
True but Could be done covertly though

Cubans could be used in other areas not directly bordering RSA
They got some mig-21s ( i know who didn’t ) so they could be

They could also be a useful naval base
Would the French allow it though? Or even the British? It would threaten the French bases in Reunion Island and even British bases in the Middle East and the Indian Ocean.

Here's a map of Soviet influence in Africa as of 1980:
