No Chocolate!

In another thread - No Pizza! - Thande raised the issue:

Next thing it'll be No Chocolate...

So the obvious question is, where would we be without chocolate?

Now don't blame me! Instead, in the words of Hapsburg: Thande, however...well, let's just say there's a reason he is always blamed.:D
Well, Harry Potter would've ended after Book 3 as he died of despair with nothing to alleviate the ill effects of the dementors.

I like this no chocolate world of yours!
If you think I'm grumpy now, you wouldn't want to see me in a world without chocolate.

In another thread - No Pizza! - Thande raised the issue:

So the obvious question is, where would we be without chocolate?

Now don't blame me! Instead, in the words of Hapsburg: Thande, however...well, let's just say there's a reason he is always blamed.:D

Grey Wolf

Well, I suppose you first have to assess the role chocolate may have played in Central American cultures, history and possibly nutrition before the coming of the white man, then look to see whether its absence would have significantly changed things, and then... Er, am I being too serious ?

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
Dont like the taste of choclate so I'm fine, but damn would that eliminate a lot of food. I hope candy still gets invented or will that be butterflyed away. If it does I'm coming after you with a pitchfork.
In another thread - No Pizza! - Thande raised the issue:

So the obvious question is, where would we be without chocolate?

Now don't blame me! Instead, in the words of Hapsburg: Thande, however...well, let's just say there's a reason he is always blamed.:D

SON OF A *****!!!!!!!!!!!!

BOTH OF YOU!!!!!!!!

*Sobs uncontrollably*
Well, I suppose you first have to assess the role chocolate may have played in Central American cultures, history and possibly nutrition before the coming of the white man, then look to see whether its absence would have significantly changed things, and then... Er, am I being too serious ?

Best Regards
Grey Wolf

Well chocolate was a main trade and tribute good with a lot of cultural significance to Mesoamericans, for instance the cacao bean was used as the basic monetary unit of the Aztecs. Lots of butterflys I imagine. Nothing world shattering although the souther parts of Mexico might lose some importance.
Didn't the Catholic church try to eradicate the vice of bubblegum-chewing by cuting down all those trees in Central America? Fortunately, they didn't find all of them. Now if the same happened with the chocolate trees :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
In another thread - No Pizza! - Thande raised the issue:

So the obvious question is, where would we be without chocolate?

Now don't blame me! Instead, in the words of Hapsburg: Thande, however...well, let's just say there's a reason he is always blamed.:D
I hope that Iron Yuppie will come out of her lair (NPC), and decend apon you like an avenging angel.
I hope it dosen't butterfly away cake in general. That would suck mightly. I still hope Skittles are still made in such a world. How would the world live without them.