Triple Calamity: What if the Three Most Important Men in the Executive Branch Died in One Night?

he is praying we can all move on
President Hancock right now:
Pretty much, he’s just an old ass man who didn’t wanna deal with any of this. He was kinda thinking it would be easier.
If he writes memoirs, they're gonna be spicy 🤣🤣🤣. He might as well blame the Democrats for sabotaging his genuine attempts for Reconciliation.
My gosh, Hancock is like the second coming of Buchanan.
He isn’t as ineffective. But he is definitely off to rocky start on that particular issue. He is trying to keep his party together while dealing with two parties that hate him.

And yeah, his main pain in the ass are Reedeemers not Stalwarts
Hancock is gonna die in office after receiving yet another letter from Redeemer Democrats calling him weak and ineffective against the Liberals/Republicans/Negroes/etc. 🤣🤣🤣
No comment, Hancock chapter coming out either within the next few hours or after I go out to a St. Patty's day party tonight.
Probably thinking things in the US would've ironically been more manageable with a Liberal or Republican as President. The Democrats always have to contend with their rebellious southern kin that just refuses to calm down 🤣🤣🤣.
I always saw the Democrat Party as being a Moon Knight scenario, three distinct identities sharing one body. Does that analogy make sense?
Chapter 20: The Blue General
The Hancock Cabinet
Vice PresidentGeorge B. McClellan
Secretary of StateThomas Bayard
Secretary of the TreasuryWade Hampton
Secretary of WarJohn Cochran
Attorney GeneralLucius QC. Lamar II (Until 1883), Charles O'Conner (Until 1884)
Secretary of the NavyJohn A. McClernand
Secretary of the InteriorGeorge Hearst
Postmaster GeneralWilliam F. Vilas

"When one discusses the Presidency of Winfield Scott Hancock, they often stick their focus on the Louisianian Affair and his congressional troubles. While I will certainly be bringing both issues up in extensive detail later on, first we must discuss how Hancock handled the other duties of the Executive Mansion...

Foreign Policy was perhaps the second most glaring issue for the Hancock administration. Hancock was quick to ignore the rest of the world, often leaning on SoS Bayard for any and all matters abroad. The primary matter of the day that concerned the US, was the chaos that erupted from South America. After President Adams refused arbitration in the Paraguayan matter, the land was left in limbo. That was until President Roca marched Argentinian men into the territory anyways. Brazil quickly mobilized for a battle with their southern neighbor. DC attempted to arbitrate a peaceful settlement. However, Hancock's terms were unacceptable to both nations. The flare up of the conflict was largely an embarrassment to Hancock and Bayard... [1}

In 1882, President Hancock signed the 'Eastern Orient Alien Act' restricting all immigration from East Asia, primarily of course, from China. Today this is recognized for it's racist dogma and horrid effects on Asian communities in the US, however in the 1880's it was seen as a strong bill and continued to balloon Hancock's popularity among the states on the Pacific coast. In fact domestically, Hancock was seen as a strong President until the Louisianan affair. Due mostly to the Liberals in Congress being willing to work with him. Hancock was successful in passing further Civil Service Reform, comprising on the tariff issue, and saving face when initially pulling the troops from the south.

Then, everything changed... I won't bore you with the details of the Louisianian affair. I've already done a watchie on that. It's aftermath however is instrumental. Famously Hancock's wife, said that her husband was never the same after. Hancock was extremely guilty over the whole ordeal and began to pick up drinking. He couldn't even bare to meet Louis Andrieux when he arrived in DC under Federal Marshal protection. In the aftermath, Hancock's letters to Congress began to be entirely ignored. In meetings with Liberal and Republican congressmen he was given an icy treatment. In particular the Liberal Speaker of the House Alexander McCure of Pennsylvania (Replacing Speaker Maynard who retired in 1882) had a particular hate for the President and only spoke to him via intermediaries.

This icy treatment wasn't just from the radicals, it came from reactionaries as well. Redeemers would refuse to meet with Hancock at all, furious that he was supporting Freedmen in their move out of the failed reconstruction states. (This was also untrue, congress was doing this not Hancock. Overturning the President's vetoes.) Nonetheless, the Redeemers didn't give a damn. Hancock had just become a lame duck, spiralling the aging diabetic President, further into the bottle. In the background thousands of freedman left Louisiana, the Carolinas and Mississippi. Most went to successful reconstruction states, some to Lincoln, many to New York and New England. Southern Democrats did damn near anything they could, legally or illegally to keep the freedman within their states. Defying congressional orders, terrorizing black families and even giving marginal pay raises to those in the fields.

Throughout 1883 and 1884, Hancock's only friends were the Bourbon Democrats and his cabinet. (Minus the Attorney General Lamar who was fired for insubordination after the Louisianian Affair.) Moving in to the 1884 DNC it was clear that forces within the party planned to unseat the now unwilling and unhealthy Hancock. However they wouldn't get the chance. While meeting with Senator John Sherman in the White House on May 22nd 1884 Hancock suffered a massive heart attack. [2]. He grasped for air and died in Sherman's arms. His last words were 'I'm so sorry.'

We don't know if Hancock was planning to run for re-election or not, evidence is conflicting. We know he hated the job, but we also know that the general public had a strong sense of empathy for the depressed General. He also maintained a strong base among western delegates. But hey, this channel isn't about counterfactuals. It's about the truth.

The same day Hancock passed, Vice President George McClellan 'Little Mac', assumed the Office of the Presidency 20 years after first running for the office. McClellan was perhaps an even larger Bourbon Democrat than Hancock. He planned on getting the damn Democratic nomination. Apparently he said to SoS Bayard on the 25th of May...

'Tom, I'll be the Democratic nominee, my destiny does not stop for traitors...'"

-From Watchie Channel Tommy's History
by Tom Kingsley, published 2020 [3]

[1]: This war ends in a stalemate. Paraguay ends up being restored as a Brazilian puppet state in the northern half of the Nation. Argentina annexes the rest. The wto nations are still at odds, the peace is tenuous to say the least.
[2]: OTL Hancock died in 1886. He was super unhealthy and the stress of his job just cut his life short. The Curse of Tippecanoe lives on.
[3]: ITL equivalent of YouTube

Thanks for reading! Get hyped for the next DNC ;) I'm gonna get you the 1880 census results by tonight DON'T WORRY!
Great chapter, sad that Hancock went out the way he did, the man tried his best to run the country. The Democratic National Convention will definitely be chaotic, everyone will be slashing one another's throats to receive the DNC nomination. I assume the Liberal and Republican Conventions will be much more calmer, I even expect an attempt in bringing back Republican/Liberal Coalition after four years of chaotic Democrat rule.

Will the Brazilian Empire not fall like OTL, IIRC the coup only worked by a miracle with Emperor Pedro II just going along with it.

Keep up the great work 👍👍👍
Then, everything changed... I won't bore you with the details of the Louisianian affair. I've already done a watchie on that. It's aftermath however is instrumental. Famously Hancock's wife, said that her husband was never the same after. Hancock was extremely guilty over the whole ordeal and began to pick up drinking. He couldn't even bare to meet Louis Andrieux when he arrived in DC under Federal Marshal protection. In the aftermath, Hancock's letters to Congress began to be entirely ignored. In meetings with Liberal and Republican congressmen he was given an icy treatment. In particular the Liberal Speaker of the House Alexander McCure of Pennsylvania (Replacing Speaker Maynard who retired in 1882) had a particular hate for the President and only spoke to him via intermediaries.

This icy treatment wasn't just from the radicals, it came from reactionaries as well. Redeemers would refuse to meet with Hancock at all, furious that he was supporting Freedmen in their move out of the failed reconstruction states. (This was also untrue, congress was doing this not Hancock. Overturning the President's vetoes.) Nonetheless, the Redeemers didn't give a damn. Hancock had just become a lame duck, spiralling the aging diabetic President, further into the bottle.
How does he rank in the listing of worse US presidents?
The same day Hancock passed, Vice President George McClellan 'Little Mac', assumed the Office of the Presidency 20 years after first running for the office. McClellan was perhaps an even larger Bourbon Democrat than Hancock. He planned on getting the damn Democratic nomination. Apparently he said to SoS Bayard on the 25th of May...

'Tom, I'll be the Democratic nominee, my destiny does not stop for traitors...'"
Doesn't he die in 1885?
1880 Census Results!
New York 5,598,655
Nevada 62,233

Dominica: 421,988

Lincoln: 211,008

Sequoyah Territory: 88,532

Lincoln: 89.6%
Alabama: 56.2%
Florida: 53.9%
Arkansas: 48.6%
Tennessee: 45.5%

New York
New Jersey

85.3% Hispanic
13.1% White
2.6% Other

77.8% Indian
21.9% White
.3% Other

I was gonna do a whole thing but, it isn't drastically different from OTL. If you want me to expand on any specific state or region just ask!
How does he rank in the listing of worse US presidents?

Doesn't he die in 1885?
Indeed he does. McClellan is just as unhealthy and not much less stressed now, than Hancock... ;)

Hancock does list as one of the worst in the modern day. Fifth or Sixth from the bottom by historians. He gets some sympathy points. From 1884 to the mid 20th century though he actually ranks middle of the road. People see him as a possible good president at the wrong time.
Great chapter, sad that Hancock went out the way he did, the man tried his best to run the country. The Democratic National Convention will definitely be chaotic, everyone will be slashing one another's throats to receive the DNC nomination. I assume the Liberal and Republican Conventions will be much more calmer, I even expect an attempt in bringing back Republican/Liberal Coalition after four years of chaotic Democrat rule.

Will the Brazilian Empire not fall like OTL, IIRC the coup only worked by a miracle with Emperor Pedro II just going along with it.

Keep up the great work 👍👍👍
Yeah we aren't done with South America yet
Lincoln: 89.6%
Alabama: 56.2%
Florida: 53.9%
Arkansas: 48.6%
Tennessee: 45.5%
I wonder what the percentages will be like in the modern day? I see all those states, minus Lincoln, having a percentage of around 70-80%.