The Great Peace: A Long 19th Century

Introduction and Western Europe
  • This is a timeline I've wanted to do for a while now and is my first timeline. It will consist of maps and maybe flags and wikiboxes of the world in a timeline that has not seen a major war between Great Powers since 1860s (though the actually PoD is as yet undetermined and will likely be between 1812 and 1830.) The first map is of Western Europe in the present day.

    Western Europe Modern.png

    Some brief notes about this world:

    1. The world is generally more socially conservative than OTL. Strong monarchies and powerful aristocracy/old money are the norm in most of the world outside of the US and most of Latin America. The church also plays a large role in the government and religion remains an important part of the lives of the vast majority of people.

    2. The world is also generally more economically liberal than OTL, with most countries having things like universal free healthcare, education, and government housing programs. ITTL most of these are actually associated with conservativism and are presented in a more noblesse oblige/paternalistic way than OTL. Politics in the west typically consist of the aristocracy/old money and the urban workers/rural peasantry represented by the conservative parties vs the middle class and a good chunk of the new money represented by the liberal parties, who are also usually more nationalist than the more cosmopolitan conservatives.

    3. Technology ITTL is more advances than OTL in some ways but behind OTL in other ways. Generally speaking you can assume that civilian technologies are more advanced than OTL (e.g., there are regular Moon missions and a manned Mars mission has already happened) and military technology is further behind OTL (e.g., the most advanced countries would have about 80s level military tech). Technologies that could fall into both categories are advanced in civilian uses but behind in military applications (e.g., nuclear power is ubiquitous but nuclear weapons are non-existant). Other technologies have evolved along different paths to OTL (e.g., the computer exists and is theorestically about as advanced and accessible as OTL, but the Internet was abandoned for civilian use after a few early high-profile security incidents so computers are practically limited to businessmen, gamers, and enthusiasts).
    Eastern Europe
  • Eastern Europe Modern.png

    Eastern Europe in the present day. NOTE: Russia also own Alaska (not shown) and is no longer legally Russia, but the revived Roman Empire. Constantinople serve as the ceremonial and religious capital of the Empire, though most of the government remains in Moscow.
    South America
  • South America Modern.png

    South America in the present day. The major powers of the continent are the Viceroyalty of Peru and the Kingdom of Brazil and yes, those are Portugal and Britain in Grao Para and Tierra del Fuego respectively.
    Voting and the Franchise
  • In the average democratic country ITTL such as the UK, France, USA, etc., the franchise is more limited that IOTL. In general, all countries limit voting to citizens that are of the country's state religion and above the age of 25 or married (whichever comes earlier), and in most democratic countries the franchise is additionally limited to:
    • Property-owning men
    • Men paying more than £2000 per month in rent
    • Men that have served for more than 10 years in the military/police/fire service
    • Men and women that have received a state honour
    • Widows of the above or of military/police/firemen that have died in the line of duty
    • EDIT: Also members of the clergy where there is an official religion
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    Middle East and South Asia
  • Middle East and South Asia Modern.png

    The Middle East and South Asia in the modern day, plus some teasers for future maps.

    The Empire of India is an independent federal monarchy in personal union with the UK (like an OTL Commonwealth Realm).

    Light blue state north of Iraq is Assyria, a Christian theocracy under the rule of the Patriarch of Baghdad. Christians have become the majority of the population there and in the European Levant due to very extensive and incredibly successful conversion efforts undertaken by France and Austria during the mid- to late-19th century, generous economic incentives to attract Christian immigrants, and generous economic incentives for the remaining Muslims to leave for Arabia or Egypt (though no officially sanctioned expulsions occurred).

    Muscat and Oman never unified ITTL and the darker yellow state in southern Arabia is the UAE, a federal union of the former British protectorates in Arbaia.
    Reconquest of the Mediterranean Regions
  • Yes, by 2024, all of the remaining European colonies are fully integrated into the metropole including various rights and responsibilities and representation in teh different legislative bodies.
    Adding to this a bit, ITTL Christians in the Mediterranean region conquered by the European powers had rights and representation from the very beginning as both part of their plans to promote Christianity in those territories and because ITTL the conquest of the Levant and North Africa is seen by the European powers not as part of the colonial efforts of e.g., Sub-Saharan Africa or East/South Asia, but instead as a reconquest of ancient Christian lands in a vein very similar to the Reconquista of Spain, the Crusades, or the liberation of the Balkans. So they had always intended to re-Christianise and integrate these territories, or as an alternative, spin them of as separate kingdoms with cadet branches ruling if the regions were too resive even after the re-Christianisation, though this latter option never had to be used.
    Southeast Asia and Northeast Africa
  • Southeast Asia Modern.png

    Northeast Africa.png

    SE Asia and NE Africa in the present day. Libya is Greek, Indochina and Nusantara (OTL Indonesia) are in personal union with the French and Dutch respectively after a peaceful transition to indepedence, the Philippines remain Spanish, and Malaysia is an indepedent elective Sultanate as OTL.